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Wes Anderson Portland keffiyeh Schlitz cred. American Apparel synth twee, keffiyeh post-ironic Banksy craft beer...
Barbara Paulson, Founder
Weird Blue Tonic Melts Fat
95% of trial participants lost at least 25 pounds with this bizarre Blue Tonic ritual and the average weight loss in the group was 53 pounds.
Exotic Rice Method Liquifies Fat
Clinical studies confirm just 30 secs of this simple rice technique boosts calorie burning and fat-dissolving by over 326%, that's more calories than 45 mins running!
NATURAL Ozempic Alternative
This tiny pill could have the potential to end obesity in America.  This is better than those "miracle" injectable drugs you're seeing all over the news.
New Enzyme Busts Diabetes
Recent studies from Harvard have discovered a specific plant that targets the root cause of Type 2 Diabetes referred to as 'zombie cells'.
Liver Purification Cleanses Fat
In 2023, an esteemed team of scientific researchers discovered that compromised liver function be could be the root cause of your belly fat!
Bizarre Salt Water Trick
There’s a bizarre salt water trick going viral… Because it’s so simple and easy to do… It’s totally tasteless…
And it naturally triggers your body to release belly fat once you fall asleep.
Like WD-40 For The Joints
Researchers say 1 tablespoon of this weird 'gelatin' is like WD-40 for joints.  What if it only took 10 seconds each morning to end joint pain, swelling and stiffness for good?
God's Blue Pill?
A 70 year old doctor from a small Hunza village of India has leaked the secret recipe of a blue “alpha tonic” that boosts your manhood and gives you an iron-hard erection. 
Pee Out Blood Sugar?
This tiny purple berry can help you pee out high blood sugar? Weird, but works. There's a unique ingredient that's "a promising new therapy" for anyone worried about blood sugar.

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